ascend clustering
Ascend clustering method from https://academic.oup.com/gigascience/article/8/8/giz087/5554286
Problem with newest version fom https://github.com/powellgenomicslab/ascend:
doesn't work, even on their own example dataset: unable to find an inherited method for function ‘int_colData’ for signature ‘"NULL"’
So falling back to the V0.5 used in Duo et al. clustering ("IMB-Computational-Genomics-Lab/ascend", ref = "b415c0918f10306829b64bfad37f5d08da049ef7").
Method template
This template will help you to add a method to an omnibenchmark project. For each method that you have, one dedicated repository has to be created from this template to upload the method on the renku system.
The configuration of a method module is explained in details in the Omnibenchmark documentation
To configure the project, please modify:
(if working with python) orsrc/ascend-clustering.R
(if working with R) with your wrapper of a method to benchmark -
, to configure the project and the dataset. -
if you need packages or modules installed.
You can check the requirements for this module by running:
import omniValidator as ov
benchmark = "omni_clustering", # <-- the name of this Omnibenchmark
keyword="omni_clustering_method" # <-- the keyword of this module
To run the project, then run
python ~/src/run_workflow.py
Once your module is completed and tested, you can integrate it in your Omnibenchmark by submitting it (open an issue) on the corresponding orchestrator page of your benchmark (link to the existing orchestrators).