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Aaron Spring / s2s-ai-challenge-template
MIT LicenseTemplate project to join s2s-ai-challenge
Website: https://s2s-ai-challenge.github.io/
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EPFL-SV Caenorhabditis elegans (WBcel235), cco-1 RNAi, his-3 RNAi, Empty Vector
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EPFL-SV differential expression analysis of Caenorhabditis elegans (WBcel235), cco-1 RNAi, his-3 RNAi, Empty Vector
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Analysis environment for the SIB course "Advanced topics in single-cell transcriptomics" (https://www.sib.swiss/training/course/2020-05-adv-scrna)
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In this repo we collect all the functions for the preprocessing of the raw Democrasci data, i.e., the data from the Swiss parliament archives. The functions implemented here go from the opening and manipulation of these files, to the cleaning, curation, aggregation, and visualization, for all the different preprocessing steps. The final output files, one for each year, are the inputs for the functions in the repository corresponding to WP2.
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Firat Özdemir / oadat-evaluate
MIT LicenseUpdated -
Here you can find the materials for hands-on sessions
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Hosting the leaderboard, issue tracker and wiki of s2s-ai-competition
Website: https://s2s-ai-challenge.github.io/
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