This is a Renku project - basically a git repository with some bells and whistles. This is how to do the exercises on Renku.
Fork the Project
After Clicking on the ADML HSLU HS22 Project, you have a button "Fork" on the overview tab. When clicking on it you can duplicate this repository in your own namespace.
Below you see the prompt you get when clicking on the Fork Button, you don't need to change anything just click on "Fork Project". (You won't get the title error as I do, because you don't have this repository yet.)
This has the advantage that you can save the changes to your notebook while working on it. When now going on your project page you have two "ADML HSLU HS22" project one with your namespace - this is the one you need to use from now on. Always use the ADML HSLU HS22 project with your name below
Starting a Session
Click on the project and go to the Sessions tab, and click on the "New Session button". When opening a session the first time after forking the project, you will encounter the Docker Image no available Error. This is not a problem, just click on building the branch image. It will now build your docker image. This can take some minutes. Afterwards click on the "Start Session" button and you have a running session which looks like this:
Click on the Open button and your Session will start. Or click on the three dots and choose open in new tab to have a better readability. Now you should see the folder structure as it is in the repository, open the notebook folder and you can see the notebooks adn open them by clicking on them.
To save your work you can click on the save button from time to time.
Then in the menu bar on the left, click on the third symbol (git-symbol).
Then click on the plus, next to the "Changed" tab, like this your changes are added in the repository.
In a last step, write a short description of what you did e.g. "Worked on Exercise 08B", and then click on the commit button. In this way, when opening a news session your changes will be restored.
Advanced Use
If you are familiar with git you can use the project as a normal git repository, open it on GitLab and even open Sessions from different commits.