"These plots should be taken with a large grain of salt. I am not an epidemiologist, so the analyses shown here are completely naive. There are large discrepencies in the data from different countries for a variety of reasons (rates of testing, demographics, etc.) so that make direct comparisons inaccurate. Nonetheless, I think there is a lot of interesting information in this data."
"Understanding the spread, distribution, and deadliness of COVID-19 is difficult, despite the data available about it. Differences in rates of testing, quality of data, demographics, etc. make it difficult to compare data between countries. \n",
"All this needs to be considered when looking at the plots below. But despite those caveats, I found it helpful to plot the raw data, even though direct comparisons between countries might not be inaccurate."
These plots should be taken with a large grain of salt. I am not an epidemiologist, so the analyses shown here are completely naive. There are large discrepencies in the data from different countries for a variety of reasons (rates of testing, demographics, etc.) so that make direct comparisons inaccurate. Nonetheless, I think there is a lot of interesting information in this data.
Understanding the spread, distribution, and deadliness of COVID-19 is difficult, despite the data available about it. Differences in rates of testing, quality of data, demographics, etc. make it difficult to compare data between countries.
All this needs to be considered when looking at the plots below. But despite those caveats, I found it helpful to plot the raw data, even though direct comparisons between countries might not be inaccurate.