A Renku project for aggregating data from various covid-19 public data sources.
This project aggregates data from various public data sources to better
understand the spread and effect of covid-19. The goal is to provide a central
place where data, analysis, and discussion can be conducted and shared by a
global community struggling to make sense of the current public health
See [Dashboard](covid-19-public-data/files/blob/runs/Dashboard.run.ipynb) for a summary of the data.
See the [dashboard](covid-19-public-data/files/blob/runs/Dashboard.run.ipynb)
for a summary of the global data.
# Contributing
## Getting started
If you are interested in working on this project, we would love to get contributions. An easy contribution would be to add identifying and/or adding new data sources. See the section [Adding a new data source](#adding-a-new-data-source)
The simplest way to start is to make an account or logging in and forking the
project. Then, feel free to start an interactive environment (`Environments` -->
`New`) and use the hosted JupyterLab or RStudio to explore the data. A summary
of the data is given below. Please please please consider contributing back cool
results from your fork! If you don't know how or just need help with some of the
git-heavy aspects of this, shoot us a line at https://renku.discourse.group or
open an issue (`Collaboration` --> `Issues`) and someone will be able to help
# Current Data Sources
## Covid-19
## Dataset Summary
-[Covid-19 Data Repository by Johns Hopkins CSSE](https://github.com/CSSEGISandData/COVID-19)
this data in combination with population data from the world bank.
### Covid tracking crowdsourcing project
[Covid tracking](https://covidtracking.com) is a crowd-sourced dataset for US state-level data. It is updated by hand by an army of volunteers.
### OpenData Zuerich
The [swiss cantonal data](https://github.com/openZH/covid_19) collected by the Zürich statistical office. Parts are updated manually, others are starting to become automated.
### Case data for Italy
Detailed data compiled by the [Civil Protection of Italy](https://github.com/pcm-dpc/COVID-19).
| Case population rates | `data/covid-19_rates` | [notebooks/process/ToRates.ipynb](https://renkulab.io/projects/covid-19/covid-19-public-data/files/blob/notebooks/process/ToRates.ipynb)
## Contributing
If you are interested in working on this project, we would love to get
contributions. We would really like to collect more data sources and make them
available here! Please provide ideas for data sources that are relevant to
understanding covid-19.
If you want to add a new datasource yourself, see the section [Adding a new data
## Data Sources to Add
See the [data sources issue](https://renkulab.io/projects/covid-19/covid-19-public-data/collaboration/issues/1/).
See the [data sources issue](https://renkulab.io/projects/covid-19/covid-19-public-data/collaboration/issues/1/).