`autograde` is a toolbox for testing Jupyter notebooks. Autograde executed of notebooks with consecutive unit testing of the final notebook state and allows refining results (e.g. grading plots by hand) in the audit mode. Autograde summarizes results in human and machine-readable formats.
## Demo
Let's evaluate dexample files provided by `autograde` that are located in the demo/ subdirectory to illustrate automatic grading.
We have included `autograde` to this envirnment by adding a line `jupyter-autograde==0.2.13` to `requirements.txt` file.
Let's evaluate how it automates grading using the example files provided by `autograde` in the `demo/` subdirectory.
### Grade
To grade `demo/notebook.ipynb` we run `autograde test` against test scenarios specified in `demo/test.py` using context files stored in `demo/context`