SSA Sociobehavioral characteristics and HIV incidence: Unsupervised machine learning techniques
This is a Renku project for the longitudinal study on sociobehavioral characteristics and HIV incidence in select SSA countries using unsupervised machine learning techniques.
directory contains Aziza's original code along with the results obtained as run in the original paper.
directory contains both the data used in the original paper and new data obtained for this longitudinal study.
directory containes notebook to play with the original code on the new data and simplify the process.
Working with the project
The simplest way to start your project is right from the Renku
platform - just click on the Environments
tab and start a new session.
This will start an interactive environment right in your browser.
To work with the project anywhere outside the Renku platform,
click the Settings
tab where you will find the
git repo URLs - use git
to clone the project on whichever machine you want.
Changing interactive environment dependencies
Using R for the project, the packages used in the original code have been added to install.R
and the environment was built upon it.
However, you can add python and conda packages in requirements.txt
and environment.yml
if needed.
## Open a terminal, and run:
dw configure
## Use the following key:
## eyJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJwcm9kLXVzZXItY2xpZW50Om1yamVmZnBvc3QiLCJpc3MiOiJhZ2VudDptcmplZmZwb3N0Ojo0MWJlYTNkZC1hNTk3LTQxMDctYmU4Zi1kNmYyYTYxYzI2ZTQiLCJpYXQiOjE1NzY0MDU4NDQsInJvbGUiOlsidXNlcl9hcGlfcmVhZCIsInVzZXJfYXBpX3dyaXRlIl0sImdlbmVyYWwtcHVycG9zZSI6dHJ1ZSwic2FtbCI6e319.Oo0y2mt7X2LmNhKDygU2f15V2ULTWyDhQWtMMJfdYaJ2l-XDaJkf4py0htqVIMVY2-BmPKpuqoQuUJGvIRycIw
pip install jupyterlab "ipywidgets>=7.5"
# JupyterLab renderer support
jupyter labextension install jupyterlab-plotly@4.14.1
# OPTIONAL: Jupyter widgets extension
jupyter labextension install @jupyter-widgets/jupyterlab-manager plotlywidget@4.14.1
# Installing better nord theme for jupyterlab
jupyter labextension install @kenshohara/theme-nord-extension
Nomenclature of issues
Any issues concerning this research project can be found under the Collaboration tab "issues":
- PROJECT: used to track main steps required to complete project (do this, do that, etc)
- DATA: concerns any questions pertaining to raw data or data wrangling
- CODE: pertains to questions on code, optimizations, alternative methods, etc..
- METHODS: pertains to methods for the actual research