A Renku project for aggregating data from various covid-19 public data sources.
See [Dashboard](covid-19-public-data/files/blob/runs/ for a summary of the data.
# Contributing
If you are interested in working on this project, we would love to get contributions. An easy contribution would be to add identifying and/or adding new data sources. See the section [Adding a new data source](#adding-a-new-data-source)
## Covid-19
## General
# Data Sources to Add
## Adding a new data source
Adding a new data source is easy! To do so, in your fork or branch of the project, do the following:
* Create a renku dataset using `renku dataset create [dataset name]`
* Add any files or folders using `renku dataset add`. [Looking in the commit history will provide some examples](
* Create a notebook that shows how to read and work with the dataset in the `notebooks/examples` folder
* Protip: use a unique name for the notebook to avoid merge conflicts
* Add an issue to the project for any suggestions on things to do with the data