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Commit bd587761 authored by Rok Roškar's avatar Rok Roškar
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add pipfile

parent 4ebcd1df
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in 39 seconds
Pipfile 0 → 100644
name = "pypi"
url = ""
verify_ssl = true
alembic = "==1.4.0"
altair = "==4.0.1"
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argcomplete = "==1.11.1"
attrs = "==19.3.0"
backcall = "==0.1.0"
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cffi = "==1.13.2"
chardet = "==3.0.4"
click = "==7.0"
colorama = "==0.4.3"
covid-19-dashboard = {editable = true,file = "file:///Users/rokstar/Projects/renku-projects/covid-19-public-data/src/covid-19/covid_19_dashboard"}
cryptography = "==2.8"
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jedi = "==0.16.0"
json5 = "==0.9.0"
jsonschema = "==3.2.0"
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jupyterhub = "==0.9.6"
jupyterlab = "==1.2.5"
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parso = "==0.6.1"
pexpect = "==4.8.0"
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pipx = "=="
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python-dateutil = "==2.8.1"
python-editor = "==1.0.4"
python-json-logger = "==0.1.11"
python-oauth2 = "==1.1.1"
pytz = "==2019.3"
pyzmq = "==19.0.0"
requests = "==2.23.0"
six = "==1.14.0"
smmap = "==3.0.1"
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testpath = "==0.4.4"
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tornado = "==6.0.3"
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GitPython = "==3.1.0"
ipython_genutils = "==0.2.0"
Jinja2 = "==2.11.1"
Mako = "==1.1.0"
MarkupSafe = "==1.1.1"
prometheus_client = "==0.7.1"
Pygments = "==2.5.2"
PyJWT = "==1.7.1"
pyOpenSSL = "==19.1.0"
PySocks = "==1.7.1"
PyYAML = "==5.3"
"ruamel.yaml" = "==0.15.80"
"ruamel.yaml.clib" = "==0.2.0"
Send2Trash = "==1.5.0"
SQLAlchemy = "==1.3.13"
python_version = "3.7"
This diff is collapsed.
0% Loading or .
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