### 1. The simplest way to join the S2S AI Challenge is forking this renku project.
Ensure you fork the gitlab repository through the renkulab.io page.
Ensure you fork the renku project and the underlying gitlab repository through the renkulab.io page.
Fork this template renku project from https://renkulab.io/projects/aaron.spring/s2s-ai-challenge-template/settings.
@@ -43,11 +43,13 @@ Under "Settings" - "General" - "Visibility" you can set your project private.
Now other people cannot steal your idea/code.
Now please modify the README in your fork with team details and a
Please modify the `README` in your fork with your team's details and a
description of your method.
Please use different branches if you try out different methods. The scorer finds branches from all branches.
### 4. Add the `scorer` user to your repo with Reporter permissions
The scorer is not yet ready, but will follow this[verification notebook](https://renkulab.io/gitlab/aaron.spring/s2s-ai-competition-bootstrap/-/blob/master/notebooks/verification_RPSS.ipynb). The scorer's username on gitlab is `s2saichallengescorer`. You should add it to your project with `Reporter` permissions. The scorer will only ever clone your repository and evaluate your submission. It will never make any changes to your code.
The scorer follows the code shown in the[verification notebook](https://renkulab.io/gitlab/aaron.spring/s2s-ai-challenge-template/-/blob/master/notebooks/verification_RPSS.ipynb). The scorer's username on gitlab is `s2saichallengescorer`. You should add it to your project with `Reporter` permissions. Under "Members" - "Invite Members" - "GitLab member or Email address", add `s2saichallengescorer`. The scorer will only ever clone your repository and evaluate your submission. It will never make any changes to your code.