diff --git a/.renku/datasets/dcac07eb-4c9c-40c5-b541-5072c8302750/metadata.yml b/.renku/datasets/dcac07eb-4c9c-40c5-b541-5072c8302750/metadata.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..388ac7e72d74d911cb12fd396fcb96568d329aeb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.renku/datasets/dcac07eb-4c9c-40c5-b541-5072c8302750/metadata.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
+  '@version': 1.1
+  _id: '@id'
+  _project:
+    '@context':
+      '@version': 1.1
+      _id: '@id'
+      created: schema:dateCreated
+      creator:
+        '@context':
+          '@version': 1.1
+          _id: '@id'
+          affiliation: schema:affiliation
+          alternate_name: schema:alternateName
+          email: schema:email
+          label: rdfs:label
+          name: schema:name
+          prov: http://www.w3.org/ns/prov#
+          rdfs: http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#
+          schema: http://schema.org/
+        '@id': schema:creator
+      name: schema:name
+      prov: http://www.w3.org/ns/prov#
+      schema: http://schema.org/
+      updated: schema:dateUpdated
+      version: schema:schemaVersion
+    '@id': schema:isPartOf
+  created: schema:dateCreated
+  creator:
+    '@context':
+      '@version': 1.1
+      _id: '@id'
+      affiliation: schema:affiliation
+      alternate_name: schema:alternateName
+      email: schema:email
+      label: rdfs:label
+      name: schema:name
+      prov: http://www.w3.org/ns/prov#
+      rdfs: http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#
+      schema: http://schema.org/
+    '@id': schema:creator
+  date_published: schema:datePublished
+  description: schema:description
+  files:
+    '@context':
+      '@version': 1.1
+      _id: '@id'
+      _project:
+        '@context':
+          '@version': 1.1
+          _id: '@id'
+          created: schema:dateCreated
+          creator:
+            '@context':
+              '@version': 1.1
+              _id: '@id'
+              affiliation: schema:affiliation
+              alternate_name: schema:alternateName
+              email: schema:email
+              label: rdfs:label
+              name: schema:name
+              prov: http://www.w3.org/ns/prov#
+              rdfs: http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#
+              schema: http://schema.org/
+            '@id': schema:creator
+          name: schema:name
+          prov: http://www.w3.org/ns/prov#
+          schema: http://schema.org/
+          updated: schema:dateUpdated
+          version: schema:schemaVersion
+        '@id': schema:isPartOf
+      added: schema:dateCreated
+      based_on: schema:isBasedOn
+      creator:
+        '@context':
+          '@version': 1.1
+          _id: '@id'
+          affiliation: schema:affiliation
+          alternate_name: schema:alternateName
+          email: schema:email
+          label: rdfs:label
+          name: schema:name
+          prov: http://www.w3.org/ns/prov#
+          rdfs: http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#
+          schema: http://schema.org/
+        '@id': schema:creator
+      name: schema:name
+      path: prov:atLocation
+      prov: http://www.w3.org/ns/prov#
+      schema: http://schema.org/
+      url: schema:url
+      wfprov: http://purl.org/wf4ever/wfprov#
+    '@id': schema:hasPart
+  identifier: schema:identifier
+  in_language:
+    '@context':
+      '@version': 1.1
+      alternate_name: schema:alternateName
+      name: schema:name
+      schema: http://schema.org/
+    '@id': schema:inLanguage
+  keywords: schema:keywords
+  license: schema:license
+  name: schema:name
+  path: prov:atLocation
+  prov: http://www.w3.org/ns/prov#
+  same_as:
+    '@context':
+      '@version': 1.1
+      _id: '@id'
+      schema: http://schema.org/
+      url: schema:url
+    '@id': schema:sameAs
+  schema: http://schema.org/
+  short_name: schema:alternateName
+  tags:
+    '@context':
+      '@version': 1.1
+      _id: '@id'
+      commit: schema:location
+      created: schema:startDate
+      dataset: schema:about
+      description: schema:description
+      name: schema:name
+      schema: http://schema.org/
+    '@id': schema:subjectOf
+  url: schema:url
+  version: schema:version
+  wfprov: http://purl.org/wf4ever/wfprov#
+- prov:Entity
+- schema:Dataset
+- wfprov:Artifact
+_id: https://renkulab.io/datasets/dcac07eb-4c9c-40c5-b541-5072c8302750
+_label: dcac07eb-4c9c-40c5-b541-5072c8302750
+  '@type':
+  - prov:Location
+  - schema:Project
+  _id: https://renkulab.io/projects/covid-19/covid-19-public-data
+  created: '2020-03-11T21:43:12.736000+00:00'
+  creator:
+    '@type':
+    - prov:Person
+    - schema:Person
+    _id: mailto:cramakri@ethz.ch
+    affiliation: null
+    alternate_name: null
+    email: cramakri@ethz.ch
+    label: Chandrasekhar Ramakrishnan
+    name: Chandrasekhar Ramakrishnan
+  name: covid-19-dashboard
+  updated: '2020-03-11T21:43:12.736000+00:00'
+  version: '3'
+created: '2020-04-09T07:53:36.722930+00:00'
+- '@type':
+  - prov:Person
+  - schema:Person
+  _id: mailto:rokroskar@gmail.com
+  affiliation: null
+  alternate_name: null
+  email: rokroskar@gmail.com
+  label: Rok Roskar
+  name: Rok Roskar
+date_published: null
+description: Dataset of COVID-19 cases from the New York Times for the U.S. by state
+  and county. Obtained from https://github.com/nytimes/covid-19-data
+files: []
+identifier: dcac07eb-4c9c-40c5-b541-5072c8302750
+in_language: null
+keywords: []
+license: null
+name: COVID-19 NYT Dataset for the U.S.
+path: .renku/datasets/dcac07eb-4c9c-40c5-b541-5072c8302750
+same_as: null
+short_name: covid-19-us-nyt
+tags: []
+url: https://renkulab.io/datasets/dcac07eb-4c9c-40c5-b541-5072c8302750
+version: null
diff --git a/.renku/refs/datasets/covid-19-us-nyt b/.renku/refs/datasets/covid-19-us-nyt
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..efef27c60cc972410da177729498513418ac14f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.renku/refs/datasets/covid-19-us-nyt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
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